
If you are using jupyter notebook (or jupyter lab) locally on your system, follow these simple steps:

  1. Simply download the file in .html format.

Google Colab

If you are using Google Colab follow these steps to export your notebook to HTML format:

  1. Download the .ipynb file to your desired location.
  2. If you are using a conda environment, switch to your desired environment:
  3. If you haven't already installed the nbconvert package, install it using the following command:
  4. Now go to the directory where you downloaded the .ipynb file:
  5. When you are in the same directory as the file, use the following command:
  6. You will see a new .html file with the same file name.

You can go through the nbconvert installation guide on the official page here: https://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html